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How to Create the Perfect Science Explainer Blog Post

Top tips to create a science explainer blog post

The digital age has drastically shortened the attention span of audiences. This means medical and scientific digital content must first captivate before it can effectively inform readers. A science explainer blog post that does not intrigue the audience will quickly vanish in the crowded space of the internet. 

When creating science explainer content, a striking headline will draw audiences in. But it need to be carefully crafted to hold their attention throughout the piece. Good writing is essential. Follow these steps for top tips to create captivating scientific content. 

What is a popular science blog? 

A popular science blog focuses on a scientific topic and communicates it to a general audience. These explainer blogs are easy to find and designed to be compelling to make them more shareable. 

The writing should not contain excessive scientific jargon. The writer should adjust their vocabulary to a level suitable for a non-specialist audience. An explainer science article should inform and clarify. There are many science blogs availablebut not all of them are exceptional. 

What makes a good science explainer blog post? 

Any scientific expert can create science explainer content and post it online, but there’s no guarantee it will draw mass audiences. Indeed, such content must be compelling enough to make the audience pay attention, read the complete pieceand seek out more information on the topic. 

So how to turn a study into captivating scientific content? There is a art in telling the story of a complex science topic in an accessible way. 

First, identify your audience. The ways you will tell the story of the research discovery depends on the kind of audience you are targeting. Niche audience may require more specific descriptions than wider audiences.

Second, pick a good topic and make it interesting. There are plenty of ongoing scientific studies to write about. It is essential to be selective. One particular study may be more impactful for wider audiences than another because they are related to topics in the news, for example, just as one set of data may be more meaningful than another. 

Third, find a suitable angle. Science explainer blog posts cover topics people know a little about, such as the mechanisms of ageing, but would like to understand better. Professional science writers and journalists typically look at subjects familiar to most people and approach them with an unfamiliar angle that might grab their attention. Or they may focus on a trend the readers will have noticed, and add value by providing a deeper analysis.

The explainer writing process

Fourth, focus on the writing style. While certain topics can be more appealing than others, good writing is what makes a piece compelling. Following a writing process will help create timely content with a strong, consistent voice, as outlined below:

  1. Plan out the structure of the piece. This will keep the coverage on track and prevent repetition while avoiding losing the reader’s attention in the process. 
  2. Research – Don’t be afraid to learn from other successful explainer blogs. Assess what works and what you should avoid.
  3. Think about your audience – they may not be versed in the specific scientific discipline or ideas covered, so you may need to explain certain concepts lay terms and adjust the level of language
  4. The hook – write a strong headline and a catchy introductory sentence to attract the reader’s attention. 
  5. Write clearly and concisely. A blog post is not very long, so it helps to get to the point quickly and use language economically. Break down the primary scientific sources into digestible key points. 
  6. Use relevant keywords – search engines use these to help internet users find useful blog posts.

Organising a science explainer blog post

Fifth, adopt a suitable structure. A science explainer blog needs to be not only readable, but well organised. Create useful sub-headings that allow the audience to skip to the sections that interest them.  If a reader has to wade through the entire article to find the key piece of information they are looking for, their attention will drift. They may also become impatientand digital fatigue could set in. 

Finally, consider adding images or illustrations. Visual prompts can attract readers’ attention and enhance a story. It is essential, however, to choose pictures carefully. Respect copyrighted images and seek permission, as this is bad practicethat could carry penalties and bring disrepute.  Search free-to-use image repositories like Pexels or Unsplash, and check the Creative commons license terms for each image used. Add Alt Text describing the image to enable visually impaired readers to engage with your work and abide by search engine optimisation rules.


Distribute the blog post wherever possible. Link back to the blog on social media and other websites, and include it in a byline when writing for other sites. Create email campaigns highlighting new blog posts as an additional form of content dissemination. Spread the word through your own network and make sure your contacts know the name of your blog, so they can search for it and recommend it to others. 

Need help creating the perfect science blog post?

SciencePOD creates compelling omnichannel content simply and quickly. Our scientific content creators are experts in clear, captivating writing. Book a free consultation for more information.

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