What about web automation keeps digital publishers awake at night?
This is a question that has more answers than we have space in this column. However, for many, having the right set of web automation tools is essential. This is as true for digital marketing as it is for creating quality content. Publishers from mainstream digital media organisations could not agree more during DiG Publishing Lisbon held just this year, 3-5 Oct 2018.
While much of the focus and attendees went toward advertising, analytics and monetisation, the content remains at the top of the agenda. Start-ups represented around the content creation theme included Market4News. CEO, Igor Gómez Maneiro explained how his platform helps to locate suitable mobile journalism reporters whereas Justin Varilek, Founder and CEO of HackPack presented his online community of journalists. Later, Niko Vijayaratnam, Founder of Authored.io, shared his online authoring tool, showing promise, despite its relatively early stage of development.
A new digital publishing platform for web automation
Meanwhile, SciencePOD’s CEO, Sabine Louët, offered a sneak peek at the company’s digital publishing platform, which allows for web automation when ordering and creating of quality content telling the story of research and innovation. The idea is to translate the complex jargon of science and technology into clear, concise, compelling stories to better influence targeted audiences.
For enthusiasts and perhaps those in need of cost-effective content marketing strategies, Philipp Nette, Founder and CEO of Cutnut, has developed a centralised, social media content creation and distribution platform for marketing campaigns. Meanwhile, Alexandra Steffel, Editor in Chief, at Intellyo, offered a web automation content planning and creation tool for enterprises.
Another favourite, Locationews was certainly one for the books. Created by Co-Founder Julius Koskela, the site helps to map news onto a global map enabling readers to selectively find news most relevant to their preferred location. Finally, Simply Aloud Co-Founder Davide Lovato talked about embedding voice version of articles into news sites. For now, the recordings are done individually to guarantee highest audio quality, rather than via web automated text-to-voice systems.
Why the need for a wide variety of web automation for content creation, distribution and monitoring tools? Wouldn’t these complicate newsrooms?
“We are reaching an age of the internet where enabling technologies automating content creation and distribution are maturing,” says Louët. “Therefore, making the most of these standard technologies is within everyone’s reach.” These technologies make it possible for digital publishers to unleash their imagination and bring more compelling content and news to their readers.
Photo credit: Pixabay user KJ