
Data based content research

Data Based Content Matters in Times of Pandemic

Make the most of remote working solutions to deliver data-based content

Now is not the time to stop communicating, it’s time to engage more genuinely with your audiences through data based content. The content a company creates must be captivating if it is to compel an audience to engage. The digital landscape has changed the way we communicate, and so our methods of information dissemination must be adjusted. 

Publishers are in a unique position to counter misinformation by producing evidence-based content — sharing the values of accuracy, truthfulness and responsible dissemination that the industry holds. 


ConTech Live Webinars invited Sabine Louet, CEO and Founder of SciencePOD, to discuss why content matters more than ever. In this webinar you will learn the basic elements of effective communication and you will be introduced to the tools available that will help you keep your content marketing and science communication campaigns going (and even improve them!) under remote work conditions. Watch the webinar to see how your omnichannel content strategy can be adjusted to fit the needs of your audience. 

This webinar was delivered live on the 13th May 2020, courtesy of ConTech Live. If you missed it, you can watch the discussion on data based content here (see below).

To order your evidence-based content, register with SciencePOD.

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